
Centrum Bohuslava Martinů

Základní informace




adults 120,- CZK

children, students 60,- CZK

pensioners 90,- CZK

family admission (2 adults + children) 240,- Kč

The minimum number of visitors  is 5 and maximum  amount is 25 (bus tours must be divided). Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Bohuslav Martinů Center,  from where you can take a guided tour of the birthplace in the church tower. Entrance to the tower  is only permitted when accompanied by a guide. The length of the tour is 45 - 60 min.




adults 80,- CZK

children, students 40,- CZK

pensioners 60,- CZK

family admission (2 adults + children) 160,- CZK

- The minimum number of visitors is 5 and maximum amount is 25 (bus tours must be divided). Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Bohuslav Martinů Center,  from where you can take a guided tour of the Gothic fortifications of the city.  Entry to the  fortification walls  is only permitted when accompanied by a guide. The length of the tour is 45 - 60 min.




NOTICE: Restoration work is currently underway in the  old art exhibit.

Adults 50,- CZK

children, students, pensioners 25,- CZK

family admission (2 adults + children) 100,- CZK

- Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Bohuslav Martinů Center, from where you can take a tour of the gallery in the Town Hall.




Entrance to the expositions:

adults 60,- CZK

children, students, pensioners 30,- CZK

family admission (2 adults + children) 120,- CZK




adults 60,- CZK

children, students, pensioners 30,- CZK

family admission (2 adults + children) 120,- Kč




adults 100,- CZK

children, students, pensioners 50,- CZK

family admission (2 adults + children) 200,- CZK



  • Tickets for exhibits are time limited and are valid for a maximum of 2 hours.




adults 100,- CZK
children, students, pensioners 50,- CZK
family admission ( 2 adults + children) 200,- CZK


  • Tickets are time limited and are valid for a maximum of 2 hours
  • The exhibition takes place in the Gallery of the Town Hall. Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Bohuslav Martinů Center, from where the exhibition tour starts.





Adults 100,- CZK

Children, students, pensioners 80,- CZK

family admission (2 adults + children) 200,- CZK

Concerts, tours, etc. have admission fees set according to specific events.

We recommend  for groups to book in advance by phone free of charge.

Specialized Tours in DE/ EN

It is necessary to make an appointment in advance to arrange a guide/interpreter. A group fee (regardless of the number of people) is payable in addition to the normal entrance fee of CZK 300,- per hour (even unfinished). For example, it takes 1 hour to visit the Birthplace of Bohuslav Martinů or the Gothic fortifications of the city.

BONUS for visitors of all exhibitions - the ticket price includes entry to the  Birthplace of Bohuslav Martinů, entry to the Gothic fortifications of the city, entry to the Bohuslav Martinů Center, expositions and exhibitions of the City Gallery in the Town Hall. Tickets are valid for 48 hours from the time of purchase.

Adults 400,- CZK; children, students, pensioners 200,- CZK; family admission (2 adults + children) 800,- CZK

BONUS for schools

Regular visits to the museum exhibitions during the school year will be  rewarded with free entry every fourth visit. The bonus applies to the Bohuslav Martinů‘s Birthplace, the Gothic fortifications of the city, museum and gallery exhibitions and displays.

Family admission

Family admission is set at the price of two  adult tickets  and includes entry for two adults and their children (1 - 2 children under 15) - see prices above.



Tyto sazby jsou platné od 1. 2. 2022

V Poličce dne 27. 1. 2022

Mgr. Pavla Juklová, ředitelka organizace



Town Museum and Gallery Polička, Bohuslav Martinů´s Center,114 Tylova, Polička 572 01, tel.: +420 461 723 855

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., http://cbmpolicka.cz

Identification organisation number: 70152853

The founder of the Town Museum and Gallery Polička, town Polička. Statutary representative: Pavla Pavlíčková, M. A., Direktor



Bohuslav Martinů´s Center, Bohuslav Martinů´s native room, Gothic town fortification, Gallery in the Town Hall

tel.: +420 461 723 855

Pavla Juklová, M.A.,  director, exposition activity, tel.: +420 461 723 858
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David Junek, M.A., performed by organization management

Art historian, trustee of the art collection,tel.: +420 461 723 856
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Radka Vostřelová, M.A., trustee of the collection funds, tel.: +420 468 001 780
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Doc. Monika Holá, PhD., musicologist, tel.: +420 461 723 857
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Alena Zavoralová, promotion organization, educational programs for schools, tel: +420 461 723 864
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Jana Štejdířová, economist, tel.: +420 461 723 859
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Stanislava Cafourková, M.A., ethnographer, trustee of the art collection, tel.: +420 468 001 780
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Simona Valachová, M.A.
educational programs for schools, exposition activity, tel.: +420 468 001 780
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performed by organization management

Opening Hours

      EXHIBITS and EXPOSITIONS of the Bohuslav Martinů Center      


September-April: Tuesday - Sunday 9 am – 12pm, 12.30pm – 4pm.
May-August: Tuesday - Sunday 9am – 12pm, 12.30pm – 5pm.

Expositions and exhibits can be visited individually or in groups, any time during opening hours. We kindly ask for larger groups to make an appointment by calling: +420 461 723 855 or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Through prior agreement we are able to arrange visits outside of regular visiting hours. We recommend that large groups make an appointment in advance.



On weekdays (Tuesday - Friday) during the school year, we give priority to pre-booked school groups visiting the museum as part of special educational programs and school trips. Individual and group tours are available by prior telephone appointment, we recommend making an appointment in advance.

  • April: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday - Friday 10 am, 1 pm, 3 pm.

Saturday 10am, 1pm, 3pm.

Sunday  1pm, 3 pm.  

  • May - June: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday - Friday 10 am, 1 pm, 3 pm.

Saturday 9 am, 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm.

Sunday 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm.

  • July - August: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Monday - Saturday 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1pm, 2pm, 3 pm, 4 pm.

Sundays 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm.

  • September: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance .)

Tuesday - Friday 10am, 1pm, 3pm.

Saturday 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm.

Sunday 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm.  

  • October: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday - Friday at 10am, 1pm, 3pm.

Saturday 10am, 1pm, 3pm.

Sunday 1 pm, 3 pm.  

  • November - March : CLOSED

The minimum number of visitors is 5 and the maximum amount is 25 (bus tours must be divided). Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Bohuslav Martinů Center, from where you can take a guided tour of his birthplace in the tower. Entrance to the tower is only permitted when accompanied by a guide. The length of the tour is 45 - 60 min.




On weekdays (Tuesday - Friday) during the school year, we give priority to pre-booked school groups visiting the museum as part of special educational programs and school trips. Individual and group tours are available by appointment via phone. We recommend making an appointment in advance.

  • April – Václavská Circle
  • May - Na Bídě Circle
  • June - Václavská  Circle
  • July - Na Bídě Circle
  • August - Václavská  Circle
  • September- Na Bídě Circle
  • October – Václavská Circle


  • April: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday - Friday 9 am, 11 am, 2 pm.

Saturday 9 am, 11 am, 2 pm.

Sunday 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 2 pm.

  • May - June: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday - Friday 9 am, 11 am, 2 pm, 4 pm.

Saturday and Sunday  9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm.

July- August: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday – Sunday 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm, 4 pm.

  • September: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday– Friday 9 am, 11 am, 2 pm.

Saturday and Sunday 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 1 pm, 2 pm, 3 pm.

  • October: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday – Friday 9 am, 11 am, 2 pm.

Saturday 9 am, 11 am, 2 pm.

Sunday 9 am, 10 am, 11 am, 2 pm.

  • November - March : CLOSED


The minimum number of visitors is 5 and the maximum amount is 25 (bus tours must be divided). Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Bohuslav Martinů Center, from where you can take a guided tour of the Gothic fortifications of the town. Entry to the fortification walls is only permitted when accompanied by a guide. The length of the tour is 45 - 60 min.



NOTICE: restoration work is currently underway in the old art exhibit.

On weekdays (Tuesday - Friday) during the school year, we give priority to pre-booked school groups who visit the museum as part of special educational programs and school trips. Individual and group tours are available by appointment via phone. We recommend making an appointment in advance.

  • May: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday - Friday 9am – 12pm, 12.30pm – 3 pm.

Saturday and Sunday 12.30 pm – 5 pm.

  • June: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday- Friday 9 am – 12 pm, 12.30 pm – 5 pm.

Saturday and Sunday 9 am – 12 pm, 12.30 pm – 5 pm.

  • July- August: (We recommend booking group tours in advance.)

Tuesday - Sunday 9 am – 12 pm, 12.30 pm – 5 pm.

  • September: (We recommend booking individual and group tours in advance.)

Tuesday- Friday 9 am – 12 pm, 12.30 pm – 4 pm.

Saturday and Sunday 12.30 pm – 4 pm.

  • October- April: CLOSED

Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Bohuslav Martinů Center, from where you can tour the gallery exhibitions. Entrance to the gallery exhibitions is only permitted with a guide.

Městské muzeum a galerie Polička
Centrum Bohuslava Martinů v Poličce

Tylova 114, 572 01
tel.: +420 461 723 855
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IČO: 70152853

Datová schránka: 6n5s43d


Centrum Bohuslava Martinů a Městské muzeum a galerie Polička

Bohuslav Martinů Polička

Zřizovatel Městského muzea a galerie Polička: Město Polička
Statutární zástupce:
Mgr. Pavla Juklová, ředitelka




Centrum Bohuslava Martinů, Rodná světnička Bohuslava Martinů, Městské hradby, Městská galerie
tel.: +420 461 723 855
mob.: +420 733 712 503

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Mgr. Pavla Juklová
ředitelka, výstavní činnost

tel.: +420 461 723 858, +420 737 855 755
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PhDr. David Junek
historik umění, kurátor výtvarné sbírky, správce sbírek a depozitářů
tel.: +420 461 723 856; mob.: +420 733 712 501
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Doc. Monika Holá, PhD.
tel.: +420 461 723 857
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Mgr. Stanislava Cafourková
etnografka, kurátorka historické sbírky
tel.: +420 468 001 780

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Mgr. Radka Vostřelová
kurátorka historické sbírky, dokumentátor sbírek, knihovník
tel.:+420 468 001 781
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Jana Štejdířová
účetní, ekonom
tel.: +420 461 723 859

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Mgr. Simona Valachová
vzdělávací programy pro školy, výstavní činnost, propagace
tel.: +420 468 001 780
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Tereza Hladká
grafik, propagace
tel.: +420 461 723 864
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Mgr. Světlana Dittrichová
muzejní edukátor, výtvarník, výstavář
tel.: +420 468 001 781
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Michal Pidra
průvodce, zařizování svateb
tel.: +420 461 723 855, mob.: +420 733 712 503
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Alena Zavoralová
(na mateřské dovolené), propagace organizace, vzdělávací programy pro školy
tel.: +420 461 723 864
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